
أعلان الهيدر

Friday, December 16, 2011

الرئيسية I'm Black

I'm Black

وردة حمراءوردة حمراءوردة حمراء

I'm black. .

When I was born, I black
As I grew older, I'm black
When I am under the sun, I black
While I am afraid, I'm black
When I am sick, I black
When I die, I'm black

You and you White. . .
When born, you pink
While growing up, you white
When exposed to the sun, you red
When cool, you are blue
When afraid, you are yellow
When you get sick, you green
When you die, you gray. . . . . .

However you have the courage to Tcefna that I colored. . . ??!!

. . . . . . . .

- Words uttered by an African child and received by the United Nations Prize as the best poem of 2010 -

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